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− | [[SIU-Wichi/version5.5.0|< Volver]]
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− | == Links de interés ==
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− | Encontrará aquí información relacionada a la Inteligencia de Negocios (BI) e información que sirve para que un usuario final pueda comprender la potencialidad de la herramienta y utilizarla en su interfaz web. En particular el uso y funcionalidad de jpivot, definición de reportes web, etc.
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− | === <big>Sitios-Blogs sobre BI</big> ===
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− | [http://www.ralphkimball.com/%20%20 Kimball Group] <BR>
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− | [http://forum.kimballgroup.com/ Kimball Forums] <BR>
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− | [http://kimballgroup.com/html/07dt.html Kimball Design Tips] <BR>
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− | [http://churriwifi.wordpress.com/2010/04/19/15-2-ampliacion-conceptos-del-modelado-dimensional/ Kimball vs Inmon. Ampliación de conceptos del Modelado Dimensional]
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− | [http://www.dataprix.com/ Dataprix] <BR>
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− | [http://www.redopenbi.com/ Open Business Intelligence] <BR>
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− | [http://todobi.blogspot.com/ Todo BI] <BR>
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− | [http://type-exit.org/adventures-with-open-source-bi/ Adventures with Open Source BI] <BR>
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− | [http://www.prashantraju.com/ Prashant Raju] <BR>
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− | [http://diethardsteiner.blogspot.com/ Diethard Steiner on Business Intelligence] <BR>
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− | [http://julianhyde.blogspot.com/ Julian Hyde Blog (Creador de Mondrian)] <BR>
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− | [http://churriwifi.wordpress.com/ El Rincon del BI] <BR>
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− | [http://www.dataprix.tv/historia-del-business-intelligence Historia del Business Intelligence] <BR>
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− | [http://www.dashboardinsight.com/articles/digital-dashboards/fundamentals/the_art_of_dashboarding.aspx The Art Of Dashboarding]
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− | === <big>Pentaho BI Suite</big> ===
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− | [http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/Reporting/Pentaho+Reporting+User+Manual Pentaho Report Designer] <BR>
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− | [http://www.sherito.org/ Pentaho Reporting] <BR>
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− | === <big>Teoría sobre Business Intelligence (BI)</big>''' ===
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− | *[http://churriwifi.wordpress.com/indice-de-publicaciones/ Descubriendo el BI] -
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bi-f-cil/datawarehouse Datawarehouse] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/dataprix/como-no-construir-datawarehouse Cómo construir un Datawarehouse] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/arquitectura-data-warehouse-areas-datos-nuestro-almacen-corporativo Arquitectura del Datawarehouse] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/conceptos-funcionalidades-dwh Conceptos y funcionalidades básicas de Datawarehouse] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bi-facil/dwh-organizado-temas Datawarehouse organizado por temas] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bi-f-cil/dimensiones Dimensiones] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bi-facil/dimensiones-lentamente-cambiantes Dimensiones lentamente cambiantes] <BR>
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− | *[http://churriwifi.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/tratamiento-de-scd-con-pdi/ Dimensiones lentamente cambiantes(2)] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bi-facil/jerarquias Jerarquías] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bi-facil/tablas-hecho Tablas de hechos] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bi-facil/claves-subrogadas Claves subrogadas] <BR>
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/nexbas/calidad-da-datos-business-intelligence Calidad de datos] <BR>
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− | <big>Cuadros de mando</big> <BR>
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− | [http://www.stratebi.es/todobi/Ago11/Como_hacer_un_Cuadro_de_Mandos_Stratebi.pdf ¿Cómo hacer cuadros de mando?] <BR>
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− | == Bibliografía y Documentación recomendada ==
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− | [http://tgx-hefesto.blogspot.com/2010/07/hefesto-v20.html Metodología HEFESTO] - Ing. Dario Bernabeu
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− | === Tesis ===
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− | [http://repositorio.siu.edu.ar/trac/dw_pentaho/attachment/wiki/teoriaBI/TFG_DelGiudice_DellaMea.pdf Proyecto de implementación de un Data Warehouse para Universidades Nacionales] - Ing. Glenda Del Giudice, Ing. Mariela Della Mea - 2010
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− | [http://repositorio.siu.edu.ar/trac/dw_pentaho/attachment/wiki/teoriaBI/Tesis-dw-Cecilia-Domina.pdf Data Warehousing, Relevamiento y aplicación de técnicas de modelado dimensional] - Lic. Cecilia Dómina - 2008
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− | === Libros ===
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− | *Pentaho Solutions: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with Pentaho and MySQL - Wiley (Roland Bouman, Jos van Dongen) - ISBN:978-0-470-48432-6
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− | *Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration: Beginner's Guide - Packt Publishing - (María Carina Roldán) - ISBN:1847199542
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− | *Pentaho Kettle Solutions: Building Open Source ETL Solutions with Pentaho Data Integration - Wiley - (Matt Casters, Roland Bouman, Jos van Dongen) - ISBN:978-0-470-63517-9
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− | *Pentaho Reporting 3.5 for Java Developers: Pack Publishing - Will Gorman - ISBN:1847193196 - September 2009
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− | *Pentaho Data Integration 4 Cookbook: Pack Publishing - Adrián Sergio Pulvirenti, María Carina Roldán - ISBN: 978-1-84951-524-5 - Junio 2011
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− | *The Kimball Group Reader: Relentlessly Practical Tools for Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence - Wiley - Ralph Kimball - ISBN:978-0-470-56310-6
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− | *The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling - Wiley - Ralph Kimball - ISBN:0-471-20024-7
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− | *The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Extracting, Cleanin - Wiley - Ralph Kimball - ISBN:0-764-56757-8
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− | *The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit:Practical Techniques for Building Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Systems - John Wiley & Sons, 2008 - Ralph Kimball - ISBN: 978-0-470-14977-5
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− | Attachments
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− | TFG_DelGiudice_DellaMea.pdf Download (7.2 MB) - added by mpierri 4 years ago.
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− | '''<big>Technical Tips</big>''' <BR>
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− | [[ http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/COM/Technical+Tips|Technical Tips]] <BR>
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− | '''<big>Notas</big>'''
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− | '''Eclipse Birt'''
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− | *[http://www.dataprix.com/empresa/recursos/integracion-eclipse-birt-pentaho-doc-codigo Integración de Eclipse BIRT con Pentaho, manual y código]
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− | *Ejecutando reportes de BIRT en Pentaho
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− | ** http://b-e-o.blogspot.com/2010/09/running-fully-functional-eclipse-birt.html
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− | ** http://b-e-o.blogspot.com/2011/08/running-fully-functional-eclipse-birt.html
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− | <big>Video</big> <BR>
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− | [http://www.dataprix.com/blogs/bernabeu-dario/video-curso-line-montar-mysql-mondrian-openi-tomcat6 Video curso On Line: Montar MySQL + Mondrian + OpenI + Tomcat6]
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− | '''Pentaho PDI'''
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− | *[https://churriwifi.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/16-3-1-dimension-tiempo/ Crear la Dimensión Tiempo con PDI]
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− | [[SIU-Wichi/version5.5.0|< Volver]]
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